Brave Conversations

Great things happen when everyone feels safe to contribute, even if that contribution may challenge the status quo. We are working to build great organisations through Brave Conversations - those that are open, inclusive and value diversity.

Delivered as interactive workshops, our Brave Conversations programs empower you to actively see and challenge systems that perpetuate inequality, to become an agent of change, and to develop resilience. 

We provide the tools to deeply engage in complex discussions by focusing on our common humanity, creating a strong sense of connection and community, from which we can embrace our differences to unlock the potential for growth and evolution in all of us. 
Brave Conversations is based around four core themes; race, gender, mental health and using rituals to create meaningful change.

Human Centred Leadership

Our Human-Centred Leadership course equips your leaders with the skills, knowledge and confidence they need to get the most out of their teams. Ultimately, your leaders will be empowered to radically lift the performance of their teams. 

Our leadership training programs will enable your leaders to:

  • articulate a shared vision and values that drive cultural change;

  • manage conflict and resistance;

  • boost creativity by leveraging the strengths of each team member;

  • instil a sense of meaning and value behind the work;

  • develop skills in critical thinking, self-reflection, and emotional intelligence;

  • reduce stress, burnout, turnover and absenteeism.

Team Building

Whether it’s on the sports field, in the boardroom, the community hall, or over the internet, the elements that create a great team are universal. They require trust, connection, authenticity, direction and purpose. Simple concepts, but creating them together is complex, and hard, and can’t be done overnight.

Yet we know great team culture is essential for innovation, productivity, engagement and the success of any organisation.

We combine our experience as Anthropologists with the latest science of emotional intelligence and educational psychology to take the mystery out of team building training. Our workshops have proven successful at building engagement and unlocking the human potential inherent in all of us.

Forget the pizza parties and truly invest in your people and your organisation with a Habitus Team Building workshop.

Culture Consulting

When we think of truly transformative organisations, they have at their heart a powerful culture.

From Google’s intense focus on innovation & creativity, to the NZ All-Black’s belief in respect, humility and professionalism, great organisations both deeply understand their culture, and continually invest in it’s application and maturation.

Yet contrary to what most people believe, culture does not emerge from mission statements, engagement surveys, incentives and rewards. It emerges from the words we use, the symbols and objects we have around us, our daily habits and rituals, the relationships we have and the ways we relate to each other.

As anthropologists, we’re experts in culture. We know that humans are complex, messy and hard. Yet as a species we have survived and thrived in the face of incredible challenges, thanks to our diversity and inherent tendency for creativity and collaboration.

Facilitation Training

People work better in groups. Groups work better with quality facilitators.

Quality facilitators bring out the value inherent in every participant and are the primary driver of effective outcomes. They understand and manage the direction of the group, the mood of the room, and the energy everyone brings to the task.

They are the difference between frustrating, ineffectual teams, and deep, meaningful change being realised for not just your organisation, but in the hearts of everyone involved.

Facilitation is a skill that requires understanding people and how to get the best out of them. Fortunately it’s something we can all get better at, with practice, and the right training.

Habitus has trained and lead dozens of incredible facilitators in organisations driving change in areas as diverse as environmental management, end of life care, emotional intelligence in schools, corporate culture and professional learning.


Our style of coaching isn’t about cheerleading, providing empty motivation, or following someone else’s path; it is a dynamic blend of anthropology, brain science, and emotional intelligence. It harnesses the wisdom of ancient cultures, the insights of modern neuroscience, and the profound understanding of human emotions.

At Habitus, we embrace this unique approach, and we are here to guide you in leveraging the power of these disciplines to ignite remarkable transformation. No toxic hyper-positivity, no sugar-coated platitudes—just the unvarnished truth and the unwavering support you need to make a profound difference in your life