Culture Consulting

Culture Consulting


When we think of truly transformative organisations, they have at their heart a powerful culture.

From Google’s intense focus on innovation & creativity, to the NZ All-Black’s belief in respect, humility and professionalism, great organisations both deeply understand their culture training, and continually invest in it’s application and maturation.

Yet contrary to what most people believe, culture does not emerge from mission statements, engagement surveys, incentives and rewards. It emerges from the words we use, the symbols and objects we have around us, our daily habits and rituals, the relationships we have and the ways we relate to each other.

As anthropologists, we’re experts in culture awareness training. We know that humans are complex, messy and hard. Yet as a species we have survived and thrived in the face of incredible challenges, thanks to our diversity and inherent tendency for creativity and collaboration.

We specialise in cultural awareness training;

  • Understanding and transforming your organisational culture to turbocharge business performance, navigate periods of change, attract and retain talent, and enable the inherent creativity in all your staff.

  • Providing insight into the attitudes, behaviours and motivations of your customers, together with actionable recommendations for designing solutions that meet their needs.

How It Works

Culture Consulting

We know every organisation’s needs are different, so we’re not prescriptive in how we work. However in general, we will;

  • Spend time to deeply understand the goals you’re trying to achieve by engaging Habitus, before pulling together an approach and playing it back to ensure we’re aligned and the path is clear to get started.

  • Understand the current state. That usually involves spending time and creating space with people in diverse corners of your organisation, to gather perspectives, ask questions, and listen.

  • Analyse and synthesise. Once we know where you are, and where you want to be, we can put together a plan to get there.

  • Replay and re-adjust. We’ll produce a report on what we found, and our recommendations. We take the time to ensure this knowledge is embedded within your organisation, and work together on readjusting a plan to move forward.

  • Implement. This may sometimes be something you can do on your own, or something we can work on together. Either way, it will be you and your people that lead it, because that’s the only way it will last beyond our engagement.

Our Approach

Culture Consulting

Our method of navigating change is not about ticking boxes, or the top-down application of principles and processes.

It uses an holistic approach that embraces diverse perspectives and ideas. It engages in a deep, intuitive understanding of where you want to be. It draws on the experience of someone who specialises in understanding people.

Managing complexity successfully is our bread and butter, and we use Ethnography and Systems Thinking to go beyond surveys and focus groups to understand your people’s needs with more depth and sophistication than traditional research methods.

Systems thinking helps you find patterns in complex human experiences. Strong ethnography helps you build better products, better experiences, better services and stronger cultures. Basically, ethnography and systems thinking is essential for anyone who works with and for humans.


Get in touch with us to find out more, or book in a free initial consultation.

Client Stories

Wowee, that was a day to remember. Thanks for “lighting a fire” - seriously, I don’t think we’ve ever had a speaker who has provoked such a torrent of praise and excitement. People loved what you said (and how you said it) and I’ll use it as a springboard for a lot of discussions and planning about where we go from here… and for the rest of my life!

John Marsden, Author

Download our Culture Consulting Training PDF for more information